David Thomas因销售海洛因和非法持有枪支被判处10年徒刑。 David Thomas sentenced to 10 years for heroin distribution and illegal firearm possession.
David Thomas,28岁,来自NJ的Egg港镇,因毒品和火器罪被判处10年徒刑。 David Thomas, 28, from Egg Harbor Township, NJ, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for drug and firearm charges. 当局发现他从家中分发了海洛因,并持有AK-47型突击步枪和其他非法物品。 Authorities found he distributed heroin from his home and possessed an AK-47-style assault rifle, among other illegal items. Thomas以前曾被判犯有严重攻击罪,也因共谋在狱中犯有官方不当行为而被判刑。 Thomas, previously convicted of aggravated assault, was also sentenced for conspiracy to engage in official misconduct while in jail.