在阿拉斯加的野生动物管理者使用狗来计算狼群,引发关于可持续狩猎的社区辩论。 Wildlife managers in Alaska use dogs to count wolves, sparking community debate on sustainable hunting.
阿拉斯加威尔士王子岛野生动物管理者正在制定新方法,以计算当地狼群人数,确定可持续狩猎配额。 Wildlife managers in Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, are developing new methods to count the local wolf population to set a sustainable hunting quota. 这项倡议在社区引发了辩论。 This initiative has sparked debate in the community. 研究者,包括俄勒冈州立大学的Kayla Fratt, 正在使用狗寻找狼猫进行DNA分析, 以便更好地了解狼的栖息地, 确保生态系统的平衡。 Researchers, including Kayla Fratt from Oregon State University, are using dogs to find wolf scat for DNA analysis to better understand the wolves' habitat and ensure the ecosystem's balance.