瑞典开始争议狼群, 目的是通过杀死30头狼, 将人口减半。 Sweden begins controversial wolf cull, aiming to halve the population by killing 30 wolves.
瑞典发动了一场引起争议的猎狼活动, 并获政府批准, 旨在将狼人口减少一半, Sweden has launched a controversial wolf hunt, approved by the government, to reduce the wolf population by half, aiming to kill 30 wolves. 去年,人口下降了近20%,达到375只狼。 The population dropped by nearly 20% to 375 wolves last year. 批评者担心这会危及已经面临压力的物种, 而环保主义者则建议使用电栅栏等方法来保护牲畜, Critics fear this could endanger the species, already under pressure, while environmentalists suggest using methods like electric fencing to protect livestock instead of culling wolves.