加拿大宣布东部野狼“受到威胁”,计划恢复,因为各个省份对物种的确认各不相同。 Canada declares eastern wolves "threatened," plans recovery as species recognition varies by province.
加拿大联邦政府将东部狼的威胁提升到“受威胁”的程度, The Canadian federal government has upgraded the eastern wolf's threat level to "threatened," aiming to protect the species, with fewer than 1,000 adults left. 正在制定一项恢复计划,但魁北克省不承认东部狼为独特的物种。 A recovery plan is in development, though Quebec does not recognize the eastern wolf as a distinct species. 由于对狼的态度似乎正在改变,公众日益支持保护狼群,保护狼群的自然保护者们对此感到乐观。 Conservationists are optimistic as attitudes towards wolves seem to be shifting, with growing public support for their protection.