英国的“近门自然”计划超越目标, 让1600个社区参与自然项目。 UK's "Nextdoor Nature" program exceeds goals, engaging 1,600 communities in nature projects.
由全国彩票遗产基金资助的野生生物信托基金500万英镑“下门自然”方案已使1 600个联合王国社区参与自然项目,超过原定目标200个。 The Wildlife Trusts' £5 million "Nextdoor Nature" program, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has engaged 1,600 UK communities in nature projects, exceeding the original goal of 200. 这些项目包括野生生物园艺、重新焊接和鸟类再引进计划。 Projects included wildlife gardening, rewilding, and bird reintroduction schemes. 一份报告发现,95%的参与者认为,居民和组织之间的合作有所加强,82%的人认为,当地对野生生物的决策力度更大。 A report found 95% of participants believed there was increased collaboration between residents and organizations, and 82% felt there was greater local decision-making about wildlife. 该倡议旨在增加获得自然保护的机会,改善社区参与养护工作。 The initiative aims to boost access to nature and improve community involvement in conservation.