11月26日前,牛津郡县议会为9M镑自然恢复战略寻求公众投入。 Oxfordshire County Council seeks public input for a £9M nature recovery strategy by November 26.
牛津郡议会正在邀请居民、企业、地主和农民对旨在恢复自然区和野生动物的当地自然恢复战略作出贡献。 Oxfordshire County Council is inviting residents, businesses, landowners, and farmers to contribute to the local nature recovery strategy aimed at restoring natural areas and wildlife. 作为900万英镑政府倡议中的一个关键权威机构,理事会寻求公众对其战略草案的反馈,直至11月26日。 As a key authority in a £9 million government initiative, the council seeks public feedback on its draft strategy through November 26. 这一协作旨在解决生物多样性的丧失问题,并指导今后为该州自然恢复的具体优先事项提供资金。 This collaboration aims to address biodiversity loss and guide future funding toward specific priorities for nature recovery in the county.