联合王国野生生物信托基金获得512 182英镑,用于恢复Bernwood、Otmoor、River Ray等自然保护区。 UK wildlife trust gets £512,182 to restore Bernwood, Otmoor, and River Ray areas for nature.
伯克郡、白金汉郡和牛津郡野生生物信托基金(BBOWT)从国家彩票遗产基金收到512 182英镑,用于在伯尔伍德、奥特莫尔和雷河地区恢复野生生物的项目。 The Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) received £512,182 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for a project to restore wildlife in the Bernwood, Otmoor, and River Ray area. 该项目为期两年,涉及11个伙伴,针对受威胁物种,目的是改善自然的土地管理,增强社区能力,加强绿地。 The two-year project, involving 11 partners, targets threatened species and aims to improve land management for nature, empower communities, and enhance greenspaces. BBOWT计划为项目最后阶段申请360万英镑的全额赠款。 BBOWT plans to apply for a full £3.6 million grant for the project's final phase.