伦敦大公园和步道获得国家彩票自然基金资助。 Great London parks and walks receive National Lottery nature funding.
国家彩票正在资助旨在加强公众与自然和乡村联系的项目。 The National Lottery is funding projects to enhance public connection with nature and countryside access. 四个主要项目包括伦敦北部历史悠久的海格特公墓和布鲁姆菲尔德公园、南岸的“绿色链”池塘以及伦敦东部罗丁河的公共通道。 Four major projects include the historic Highgate Cemetery and Broomfield Park in north London, a "green chain" of ponds along the southbank, and public access to the Roding River in east London. 海格特公墓信托之友获得了 670 万英镑的赠款,用于保护遗产和改善公众参观。 The Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust received a £6.7 million grant to conserve heritage and improve public access.