Cheshire倡议扩大了林地,在40多个土地所有者的支持下建立了野生生物走廊。 Cheshire initiative expands woodlands, creating wildlife corridors with over 40 landowners' support.
Cheshire计划扩大本地林地,建立野生生物走廊,使野生生物和农业受益。 Cheshire plans to expand native woodlands and create wildlife corridors, benefiting wildlife and farming. 40多名土地所有者参与了种植包括河岸和农场在内的多种生境的倡议。 Over 40 landowners have worked with the initiative to plant diverse habitats, including riverbanks and farms. 该项目得到由Cheshire野生动物信托基金管理的DEFRA树木促进气候方案的支持,该方案还向土地所有者提供维修费和碳市场的潜在准入。 The project is supported by DEFRA's Trees for Climate program, managed by Cheshire Wildlife Trust, which also offers maintenance payments and potential access to carbon markets for landowners.