新加坡各地的紧急电话和服务中断了四个小时。 Singtel's landline outage on Oct. 8 disrupted emergency calls and services across Singapore for four hours.
Sintel在10月8日遭遇地线断电, 影响新加坡的紧急热线、企业及家庭。 Singtel experienced a landline outage on October 8, impacting emergency hotlines, businesses, and homes in Singapore. 这个问题源于技术故障,使备份系统无法顺利接管。 The issue stemmed from a technical glitch that prevented the backup system from taking over smoothly. 虽然半数电话仍然可以连接,但所有服务都在四小时内恢复。 While half of the calls were still connectable, all services were restored within four hours. 政府正考虑增加更多电信公司提供紧急服务以加强复原力, Infocomm Media Development Development Agency(Infocomm Media Development Development Agency)的调查可能会导致对Singtel的罚款, The government is looking into adding more telecom companies for emergency services to enhance resilience, and an investigation by the Infocomm Media Development Authority could lead to financial penalties for Singtel if lapses are found.