Telstra因在一次严重停电期间未能转拨473个紧急电话,导致死亡而罚款300万美元。 Telstra fined $3M for failing to transfer 473 emergency calls during a critical outage, leading to a death.
澳大利亚最大的电信公司Telstra因在3月1日90分钟的停电中未能转拨473个紧急电话而被罚款300万美元。 Telstra, Australia's largest telecom company, was fined $3 million for failing to transfer 473 emergency calls during a 90-minute outage on March 1. 这一事件导致127个电话因备用电话号码过时而未能到达紧急服务处。 The incident led to 127 calls not reaching emergency services due to outdated backup phone numbers. 一名呼叫者在停电时心跳停止,死亡。 A caller suffering a cardiac arrest died during the outage. Telstra已道歉,更新其备份号码,并任命一名独立顾问审查情况。 Telstra has apologized, updated its backup numbers, and appointed an independent consultant to review the situation.