中国报告说,人民币贷款大幅增加,反映了中国稳定经济的努力。 China reports significant yuan loan increases, reflecting efforts to stabilize its economy.
根据中国中央银行的数据,在2024年头10个月中,以人民币计值的贷款增加了16.52万亿元(约2.3万亿美元)。 According to data from China's central bank, yuan-denominated loans increased by 16.52 trillion yuan (about 2.3 trillion USD) in the first 10 months of 2024. M2货币供应是流通中货币的广泛量,年年增长7.5%,到10月底达到309.71万亿元人民币,反映了中国稳定经济、增强市场信心的努力。 The M2 money supply, a broad measure of money in circulation, grew by 7.5% year-over-year to 309.71 trillion yuan by the end of October, reflecting China's efforts to stabilize its economy and boost market confidence.