加拿大在温哥华和蒙特利尔的港口关闭令商业集团担心经济影响。 Canadian port shutdowns in Vancouver and Montreal worry business groups over economic impacts.
加拿大商业团体担心温哥华和蒙特利尔同时停港的经济影响, Business groups in Canada are worried about the economic impact of simultaneous port shutdowns in Vancouver and Montreal, occurring at a difficult time for businesses. 这些干扰使价值数亿美元的货物陷于停顿,使人对加拿大作为贸易伙伴的可靠性产生担忧。 These disruptions have halted hundreds of millions of dollars worth of goods, raising concerns about Canada's reliability as a trading partner. 罢工是继以往的铁路和港口中断之后发生的,增加了加拿大人生活费用高昂的压力。 The strikes follow previous railway and port disruptions, adding pressure to Canadians facing high living costs.