加拿大经济因物流效率低下而面临潜在干扰。 Canadian economy faces potential disruption due to weak logistics efficiency.
加拿大经济可能因物流效率低下以及加拿大国家铁路和加拿大太平洋铁路可能发生的罢工而面临混乱。 Canada's economy may face disruption due to weak logistical efficiency and a potential strike involving Canadian National and Canadian Pacific railways. 加拿大是全球物流效率最差的国家之一,罢工可能会进一步影响其经济。 Canada has one of the poorest reputations worldwide for logistical efficiency, and a strike could further impact the economy. 这种情况凸显了供应链在维持商品无缝流向商店货架方面的作用尚未得到充分重视。 The situation highlights the underappreciated role of supply chains in maintaining a seamless flow of goods to store shelves.