加拿大退伍军人分会的会员人数不断增加,由非退伍军人成员推动。 Canadian Legion chapters see rising membership, driven by non-veteran members.
加拿大地方军团各分会的成员正在变化,成员总数在增加,但老兵人数较少。 Local Legion chapters in Canada are seeing a shift in membership, with overall numbers rising but fewer veteran members. 增加的原因是更多的准会员和准会员加入,他们可能与兵役没有直接关系。 The increase is due to more Associate and Affiliate Members joining, who may not have a direct link to military service. 尽管如此,军团主席布赖恩·罗伯逊注意到各团体的兴趣日益浓厚,建议这些新成员将塑造地方军团的未来。 Despite this, Legion President Bryan Robertson notes growing interest from various groups, suggesting the future of local Legions will be shaped by these new members.