社区团体为海军新兵提供感恩节膳食,在训练期间提供家庭品味。 Community groups host Thanksgiving meals for Navy recruits, offering a taste of home during training.
在过去25年中,在阿灵顿高地的美国军团208号哨所接待了来自大湖海军基地的海军新兵,让他们在感恩节吃一顿饭,让他们脱离10周培训方案。 For the past 25 years, the American Legion Post 208 in Arlington Heights has hosted Navy recruits from the Great Lakes Navy base for a Thanksgiving meal, offering them a break from their 10-week training program. 今年,50名水手享受传统餐饮、游戏和打给家人的电话,强调假期社区支助的重要性。 This year, 50 sailors enjoyed a traditional meal, games, and phone calls to their families, highlighting the importance of community support during the holidays. 郊区的类似事件使近100名新兵品尝家常便饭,主要是魔术师表演和游戏等活动,为新兵准备毕业和继续海军训练提供了舒适感和联系感。 Similar events across the suburbs have been treating nearly 100 recruits to a taste of home, featuring activities like magician shows and games, providing a sense of comfort and connection as the recruits prepare to graduate and continue their Navy training.