英国劳工部副部长提议延长等待理事会租户购买住房的期限,引发辩论。 UK Labour deputy leader proposes extending wait for council tenants to buy homes, sparking debate.
英国工党副领袖安吉拉·雷纳(Angela Rayner)因提议将理事会租户购买房屋的等待期从三至十年延长, British Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner faces criticism for proposing to extend the waiting period for council tenants to buy their homes from three to up to ten years, part of a review of Margaret Thatcher's Right to Buy policy. Rayner本人在2007年从该计划中受益。 Rayner herself benefited from the scheme in 2007. 批评者认为,改革可能会限制社会流动性和拥有住房,而支持者则认为改革是补充因该政策而耗尽的社会住房存量的一种手段。 Critics argue the changes could limit social mobility and homeownership, while supporters see it as a way to replenish social housing stock depleted by the policy.