为了增加可负担住房供应, 英国工党将购买权折扣从70%降至25%. UK's Labour Party reduces Right to Buy discounts from 70% to 25% to boost affordable housing supply.
联合王国的劳工党正在将理事会地产租户购买折扣的权利从最高70%减少到25%。 The UK's Labour Party is reducing the Right to Buy discounts for council property tenants from a maximum of 70% to 25%. Rachel Reeves总理宣布的这一变化旨在增加负担得起的住房供应。 This change, announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, aims to bolster affordable housing supply. 政府将拨款31亿英镑用于经济适用住房方案,并拨款30亿英镑用于保障支持住房建设。 The government will allocate £3.1 billion for the Affordable Homes Programme and £3 billion in guarantees to support homebuilding. 地方当局将保留全部销售收入,用于社会住房再投资,而租金在五年内可能增加消费物价指数加1%。 Local authorities will retain full sales receipts to reinvest in social housing, while rents may increase by CPI plus 1% over five years.