Robert Mandelson否认自己是美国驻英国的下一任大使。 Robert Mandelson denies he's in line to become the next U.S. ambassador to the UK.
Robert Mandelson否认自己是下一任美国驻英国大使, 他说:「没有人跟我谈此事。 Robert Mandelson has denied that he is in line to become the next US ambassador to the UK, stating, "Nobody has spoken to me" about the position. 前欧盟贸易主管的姓名与最近媒体报导中的角色有关。 The former EU trade chief's name had been linked to the role in recent media reports. 曼德尔森(Mandelson)的澄清是在猜测谁可以填补大使职位的情况下作出的。 Mandelson’s clarification comes amid speculation over who might fill the ambassadorship.