获选总统特朗普任命「Aprentice」制片人Mark Burnett为英国特使。 President-elect Trump appoints 'Apprentice' producer Mark Burnett as special envoy to the UK.
获选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已任命马克·伯内特(Mark Burnett)为英国特使, President-elect Donald Trump has appointed Mark Burnett, the producer of "The Apprentice" and other hit TV shows, as a special envoy to the UK. 伯奈特(Burnett)生在伦敦, 将专注于加强美英两国的外交关系、贸易、投资和文化交流。 Burnett, born in London, will focus on enhancing diplomatic relations, trade, investment, and cultural exchanges between the US and UK. 这次任命是特朗普在就职前加强与主要盟友联系的战略的一部分。 This appointment is part of Trump's strategy to strengthen ties with key allies ahead of his inauguration.