需要396,205美元的年收入才能在缅因州被视为“富人”, To be considered "rich" in Maine, one needs an annual income of $396,205, a new report finds.
据最近的一份24/7华尔街报道, 为了在缅因州被认为是"富人", 一个人需要平均收入为396,205美元. A recent 24/7 Wall St. report indicates that to be considered "rich" in Maine, an individual needs an average income of $396,205. 该报告使用美国人口普查局和福布斯的数据,审查了全美国的收入分配情况,确定了每个州5%最高收入者的平均收入。 The report, which uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Forbes, examines income distribution across the U.S., identifying the average income of the top 5% earners in each state. 在缅因州,Susan Alfond是最富有的人,其净值估计为31亿美元。 In Maine, Susan Alfond is the wealthiest person, with an estimated net worth of $3.1 billion.