2024年,缅因州披露了最高国家雇员的工资,强调医疗专业人员是收入最高的。 In 2024, Maine revealed top state employee salaries, highlighting medical professionals as the highest-paid.
2024年,国家主计长办公室释放了16 000多名缅因州雇员的基薪,表明薪资最高者主要是医疗专业人员。 In 2024, the Office of the State Controller released base salaries for over 16,000 Maine state employees, showing that the highest-paid are mostly medical professionals. 该名单不包括立法雇员,也不包括加班费,缅因州警察的加班费达到创纪录的850万美元。 The list excludes legislative employees and does not include overtime, which reached a record $8.5 million for the Maine State Police. 最高收入者是根据其基薪选择的,大多数没有加班。 The highest earners were selected based on their base salaries, with most not receiving overtime.