根据 SmartAsset 的分析,包括纽约市和圣何塞在内的美国 25 个主要城市的单身人士的中位收入需要 93,933 美元才能过上舒适的生活。 25 major US cities, including NYC and San Jose, require a median income of $93,933 for a single person to live comfortably, according to SmartAsset analysis.
根据 SmartAsset 最近的一项分析,美国 25 个主要城市的单身人士的中位收入需要达到 93,933 美元才能过上舒适的生活。 25 major U.S. cities require a median income of $93,933 for a single person to live comfortably, according to a recent SmartAsset analysis. 此收入水平涵盖 50/30/20 预算,假设 50% 用于住房和公用事业等必需品,30% 用于可自由支配支出,20% 用于储蓄或投资。 This income level covers a 50/30/20 budget, assuming 50% for necessities like housing and utilities, 30% for discretionary spending, and 20% for savings or investments. 生活成本最高的 25 个城市包括纽约市(138,570 美元)和加利福尼亚州圣何塞(136,739 美元)。 The 25 cities with the highest cost of living include New York City at $138,570 and San Jose, California at $136,739.