新西兰的失业率在Q3 2024年达到4.8%,是2020年底以来最高的。 New Zealand's unemployment rate reached 4.8% in Q3 2024, the highest since late 2020.
新西兰的失业率在2024年第三季度上升到4.8%,这是自2020年底以来随着经济持续挣扎而来的最高水平。 New Zealand's unemployment rate has risen to 4.8% in the third quarter of 2024, its highest since late 2020, as the economy continues to struggle. 这一增加是由于对工人的需求减少和劳动力参与率下降。 This increase is attributed to reduced demand for workers and a decline in labor force participation. 工资增长也放缓,表明对通货膨胀的潜在影响。 Wage growth has also slowed, indicating potential impacts on inflation. 绿党批评政府加剧失业的政策,并主张提供最低收入保障,以支持受影响家庭。 The Green Party criticizes government policies for exacerbating unemployment and advocates for a Guaranteed Minimum Income to support affected families.