56岁的佛罗里达州医生Mark Anthony Smith因据称在飓风救济捐款中偷盗超过12,000美元而被捕。 Florida doctor Mark Anthony Smith, 56, was arrested for allegedly stealing over $12,000 in hurricane relief donations.
56岁的佛罗里达州医生Mark Anthony Smith在Buncombe县被捕,据称他盗窃了12 000多美元用于海伦飓风灾民的捐款。 Florida doctor Mark Anthony Smith, 56, was arrested in Buncombe County for allegedly stealing over $12,000 in donations intended for Hurricane Helene victims. 关于抢劫的投诉导致当局查明了Smith的身份,他被发现在一辆U-Haul卡车上,车上有被盗物品。 Complaints about looting led authorities to identify Smith, who was found in a U-Haul truck with stolen items. 除了捐款之外,Smith还有2 000多美元的个人物品,这些物品来自非营利的“心脏受伤”组织。 In addition to the donations, Smith had over $2,000 in personal belongings from the nonprofit "Hearts Hurt." 他面临多重指控,并持有60,000美元的保证金。 He faces multiple charges and is held on a $60,000 bond.