因在新西兰的空中救护车上盗窃医疗用品10 000美元而被捕的男子。 Man arrested for stealing $10,000 in medical supplies from air ambulance in New Zealand.
一名31岁的男子因在新西兰Mosgiel的空中救护车上偷窃价值10 000美元的关键医疗用品而被捕。 A 31-year-old man was arrested for stealing critical medical supplies worth $10,000 from an air ambulance in Mosgiel, New Zealand. 该直升机由于天气恶劣而被迫停留,刚从紧急任务返回。 The helicopter, forced to stay due to bad weather, had just returned from an emergency mission. 同一天,嫌疑人还与另外两起入室盗窃和汽车盗窃有关联。 The suspect is also linked to two other burglaries and car thefts on the same day. 他面临三起入室盗窃指控和两起非法劫持车辆的指控,预计要受到更多指控。 He faces three burglary charges and two charges of unlawfully taking a vehicle, with more charges expected.