得克萨斯州医生Hector Ubaldo 被判在医疗回扣中 接受超过20万美元 Texas doctor Hector Ubaldo was convicted of accepting over $200,000 in healthcare kickbacks.
得克萨斯州内科医生Hector Ubaldo博士因将病人血液和尿液样本送到特定实验室而被判接受200 000多美元的回扣。 Dr. Hector Ubaldo, a Texas internal medicine doctor, was convicted of accepting over $200,000 in kickbacks for directing patient blood and urine samples to specific labs. 联邦陪审团判定他犯有共谋罪和在短暂审判后与医疗回扣有关的教唆罪。 A federal jury found him guilty of conspiracy and solicitation related to healthcare kickbacks after a brief trial. 60岁的Ubaldo可能被判处最高15年的联邦监禁,正在等待判决。 Ubaldo, 60, faces a potential sentence of up to 15 years in federal prison and is awaiting sentencing.