爱尔兰将允许美国军用飞机根据新权力对未申报的武器进行现场检查。 Ireland will allow spot inspections of US military planes for undeclared weapons under new powers.
爱尔兰打算引入新的权力,允许当局对涉嫌携带未申报武器或军事部件的飞机进行现场检查。 Ireland is set to introduce new powers allowing authorities to conduct spot inspections of aircraft suspected of carrying undeclared weapons or military parts. 这项名为搜索、制裁和抽样(SSS)的举措将使爱尔兰特工人员能够登上美国军用飞机,并对违规行为实施严厉制裁。 This initiative, called Search, Sanction, and Sample (SSS), will enable Irish agents to board US military planes and impose serious sanctions for violations. 这一行动回应了对通过爱尔兰领空运输的弹药的关切,标志着从依靠美国的保证转向更积极的核查办法。 The move responds to concerns over munitions transported through Irish airspace, marking a shift from reliance on US assurances to a more proactive verification approach.