爱尔兰警察在都柏林缴获了30多辆汽车和19发猎枪子弹,以打击犯罪活动。 Irish police seized over 30 vehicles and 19 shotgun cartridges in Dublin to combat criminal activity.
在都柏林,爱尔兰警方在镇压犯罪活动期间,缴获了30多辆摩托车、电子摩托车和电子摩托车,以及19支猎枪子弹、现金和设计品。 In Dublin, Irish police seized over 30 motorbikes, e-scooters, and e-bikes, along with 19 shotgun cartridges, cash, and designer goods during a crackdown on criminal activity. Meacán行动的目标是使用电动车辆进行毒品分销、洗钱和火器运输。 Operation Meacán targets the use of electric vehicles for drug distribution, money laundering, and firearm transportation. 行动包括对24处财产进行搜查,并计划对弹药筒作进一步的弹道分析。 The operation involved searches at 24 properties, with further ballistic analysis planned for the cartridges. 迄今尚未逮捕任何人员。 No arrests have been made yet.