爱尔兰交通部长埃蒙·瑞安澄清说,通过爱尔兰领空运载弹药的航班不得违反国际法。 Irish Transport Minister Eamon Ryan clarifies that flights carrying munitions through Irish airspace may not violate international law.
爱尔兰运输部长埃蒙·瑞安说,据报告,自2023年10月以来,一些飞行通过爱尔兰领空运载弹药,并不违反国际法。 Irish Transport Minister Eamon Ryan stated that some flights reported to have carried munitions through Irish airspace since October 2023 do not violate international law. 他指出,在航空公司是否对某些货物需要许可的问题上含糊不清。 He noted ambiguity over whether airlines needed permission for certain cargo. 在调查这一问题时,Ryan承认审查个别飞行的复杂性和耗时性。 While investigating the issue, Ryan acknowledged the complexity and time-consuming nature of examining individual flights. 他的官员正在探讨管理此事的法律措施。 Legal measures to regulate this matter are being explored by his officials.