在马萨诸塞州Yarmouth港废弃的Anthony's Cummaquid Inn发生火灾,未报告有人受伤。 A fire broke out at the abandoned Anthony's Cummaquid Inn in Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, with no injuries reported.
星期日下午6时30分左右,在马萨诸塞州Yarmouth港6A号公路上废弃的Anthony's Cummaquid旅馆发生大火。 A large fire erupted at the abandoned Anthony's Cummaquid Inn on Route 6A in Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, around 6:30 p.m. on Sunday. 雅尔茅斯消防局和其他科德角船员作出反应,工作了近三个小时,以控制大火,大火造成大火和烟雾。 The Yarmouth Fire Department and other Cape Cod crews responded and worked for nearly three hours to control the blaze, which produced significant flames and smoke. 火灾原因仍不得而知,没有受伤的报告,但大楼可能遭受重大损坏。 The cause of the fire remains unknown, and there are no reports of injuries, but the building may have sustained major damage.