火灾吞噬了马萨诸塞州Yarmouth的商业仓库,没有报告有人受伤。 Fire engulfs commercial warehouse in Yarmouth, Massachusetts, with no reported injuries.
马萨诸塞州Yarmouth的Huntington大道商业仓库发生重大火灾, A significant fire broke out at a commercial warehouse on Huntington Avenue in Yarmouth, Massachusetts, around 6:30 PM Sunday. 最初作为场外火灾报告,后来证实该楼被完全淹没,装有商业船设备。 Initially reported as an outside fire, it was later confirmed that the building was fully engulfed, containing commercial boat equipment. 尽管冰冷和寒冷等条件艰难,但多个消防部门还是作出了反应。 Multiple fire departments responded despite challenging conditions like ice and cold temperatures. 没有报告有人受伤,火灾原因仍在调查之中。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.