美国警告伊朗,如果进一步的攻击发生,它可能不会停止以色列的报复。 The U.S. warns Iran it may not stop Israel's retaliation if further attacks occur.
美国警告伊朗,如果伊朗发动进一步袭击,它可能无法阻止以色列进行报复。 The U.S. has warned Iran that it may not be able to prevent Israel from retaliating if Iran launches further attacks. 这一警告是在伊朗最高领袖于10月发动攻击和威胁,强烈回应以色列和美国后紧张局势加剧之后发出的。 This warning follows rising tensions after an October Iranian attack and threats from Iran's Supreme Leader of a strong response to Israel and the U.S. 据报道,来文是通过瑞士中间人转交的,反映了对伊朗在即将举行的美国总统大选之前可能发动侵略的关切。 The communication reportedly went through Swiss intermediaries, reflecting concerns about potential Iranian aggression ahead of the upcoming U.S. presidential election.