伊朗警告美国和以色列,袭击伊朗的核场地可能会引发一场区域战争。 Iran warns US and Israel that attacking Iran's nuclear sites could spark a regional war.
伊朗外交部长阿拉吉(Abbas Araghchi)警告说,美国或以色列对伊朗核设施的任何攻击都会引发区域战争, Iran's foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, warns that any attack on Iran's nuclear sites by the US or Israel would trigger a regional war, calling it "one of the biggest historical mistakes the US could make." 美国总统特朗普可能会允许以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在第二轮任期内攻击伊朗核设施, This follows concerns that US President Trump might allow Israeli PM Netanyahu to attack Iran's nuclear facilities during his second term while tightening sanctions. Araghchi建议释放被冻结的伊朗资金,作为建立信任的一个步骤。 Araghchi suggested freeing blocked Iranian funds as a confidence-building step.