美国通报说,以色列为报复伊朗对以色列的导弹攻击而袭击伊朗。 U.S. informed of Israeli strikes on Iran in retaliation for Iran's missile attack on Israel.
以色列通知美国说,在袭击发生前不久,它计划对伊朗进行军事打击,以报复伊朗本月早些时候对以色列的导弹袭击。 The U.S. was notified by Israel about its planned military strikes on Iran shortly before the attacks occurred, which were in retaliation for Iran's missile strike on Israel earlier this month. 虽然美国知道这次行动,但美国部队没有直接参与。 While the U.S. was aware of the operation, there was no direct involvement from American forces. 拜登总统已听取了关于该局势的简报,突出说明了该区域对安全问题的高度关切。 President Biden has been briefed on the situation, underscoring heightened security concerns in the region.