伊朗用180多枚弹道导弹对以色列发动历史性导弹袭击。 Iran launched a historic missile attack on Israel with over 180 ballistic missiles.
伊朗对以色列发动了历史性的导弹攻击,发射了180枚弹道导弹,促使以色列承诺作出强有力的反应。 Iran launched a historic missile attack on Israel, firing over 180 ballistic missiles, prompting Israel to pledge a strong response. 伊朗的联合国特使警告说,如果以色列作出反应,伊朗会采取“犹豫、果断”的报复行动。 Iran's U.N. envoy warned of "swift, decisive" retaliation if Israel reacts. 以色列前官员以以往未解决的侵略为例,强调需要采取重大反击行动。 Former Israeli officials stress the need for a significant counteraction, citing previous unaddressed aggressions. 不断升级的冲突引起了对更广泛区域不稳定的关切,美国警告说,伊朗的进一步袭击将产生严重后果。 The escalating conflict raises concerns about broader regional instability, with the U.S. warning of severe consequences for further Iranian attacks.