2025年4月21日, 一名法官在贿赂指控中, 对Eric Adams市长的联邦腐败案进行审判。 A judge has set Mayor Eric Adams' federal corruption trial for April 21, 2025, amid bribery allegations.
曼哈顿法官已安排 2025年4月21日 对纽约市市长Eric Adams 进行联邦腐败审判 A Manhattan judge has scheduled New York City Mayor Eric Adams' federal corruption trial for April 21, 2025. 审判将处理对他进行贿赂和腐败的指控。 The trial will address allegations of bribery and corruption against him. 此案意义重大,因为它可能对该城市的政治景观产生影响。 This case is significant due to its potential effects on the city's political landscape. Adams的法律小组已提出动议,要求撤销贿赂指控,作为预审程序的一部分,这一指控正在受到质疑。 Adams' legal team has filed a motion to dismiss the bribery charge, which is being contested as part of the pre-trial proceedings.