随着联邦调查局调查的扩大,Eric Adams市长面临可能的新指控;审判定于4月进行。 Mayor Eric Adams faces potential new charges as FBI investigation expands; trial set for April.
联邦检察官透露联邦调查局发现了纽约市市长Eric Adams的“额外犯罪行为”, 他已经面临接受奢侈旅行以换取政治好处的指控。 Federal prosecutors have revealed that the FBI has uncovered "additional criminal conduct" by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who is already facing charges of accepting luxury travel in exchange for political favors. 新行为的性质没有具体说明,但检察官表示,很可能提出替代起诉书。 The nature of the new conduct is not specified, but prosecutors have stated that a superseding indictment is likely. 承认无罪的亚当斯将在4月接受审判。 Adams, who has pleaded not guilty, is set to stand trial in April.