纽约市市长Eric Adams的法律团队指控检察官泄露证人信息,寻求调查和停止审判。 NYC Mayor Eric Adams' legal team accuses prosecutors of leaking witness info, seeks investigation and trial halt.
纽约市市长Eric Adams的法律团队指控联邦检察官在其正在审理的腐败案件中向新闻界泄露证人信息。 New York City Mayor Eric Adams' legal team has accused federal prosecutors of leaking witness information to the press in his ongoing corruption case. Adams的律师 Alex Spiro 想要一位联邦法官 调查这些泄漏案件 停止大陪审团诉讼 考虑驳回起诉 Adams' attorney, Alex Spiro, wants a federal judge to investigate these leaks, halt grand jury proceedings, and consider dismissing the indictment. Spiro透露,最近一名证人向大陪审团作证,表明调查仍在进行中。 Spiro revealed that a recent witness testified before the grand jury, suggesting the investigation is still active. 对包括贿赂在内的指控表示不服罪的Adams将在4月接受审判。 Adams, who has pleaded not guilty to charges including bribery, is set to face trial in April.