国际货币基金组织(IMF)建议日本平衡预算, 避免在即将到来的利率升息期间出现新债务。 IMF advises Japan to balance its budget and avoid new debt amid upcoming interest rate hikes.
国际货币基金组织(货币基金组织)建议日本在日本银行准备逐步提高利率时平衡预算并避免新的债务。 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recommended that Japan balance its budget and avoid new debt as the Bank of Japan prepares for gradual interest rate increases. 货币基金组织官员强调财政整顿,并建议在现有预算范围内为新举措筹资。 IMF officials emphasize fiscal consolidation and suggest financing new initiatives within the existing budget. 日本的公债数额很大,这主要是由于过去的开支和不断上涨的社会福利成本造成的。 Japan's public debt is significant, largely due to past spending and rising social welfare costs. 货币基金组织主张提供有的放矢的支持,以解决生活费用问题,而不进一步积累债务。 The IMF advocates for targeted support to address living costs without further debt accumulation.