IMF警告全球公共债务到2024年将超过100万亿美元,到2030年将达到GDP的100%。 IMF warns global public debt to surpass $100 trillion by 2024, reaching 100% of GDP by 2030.
国际货币基金组织(IMF)警告说,今年全球公共债务将超过100万亿美元,到2024年达到全球GDP的93%,到2030年达到100%。 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that global public debt will exceed $100 trillion this year, reaching 93% of global GDP by 2024 and 100% by 2030. 政府开支增加和增长缓慢等因素促成了这一增长。 Factors like increased government spending and slow growth contribute to this rise. 基金组织强调,需要加强财政整顿努力,以管理债务和减轻未来风险,同时指出,目前的战略不足以稳定借贷水平。 The IMF emphasizes the need for stronger fiscal consolidation efforts to manage debt and mitigate future risks, stating current strategies are inadequate to stabilize borrowing levels.