国际货币基金组织将日本日元贬值归因于利差。 IMF attributes Japan's yen decline to interest-rate differentials.
国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 将今年日元兑美元汇率下跌约 9% 的原因归咎于日本和美国之间的利差。 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) attributes Japan's yen declines, around 9% against the dollar this year, to interest-rate differentials between Japan and the United States. 日元贬值主要受利率差异影响,受到国际货币基金组织的监控。 The yen's depreciation, mainly driven by rate disparities, is being monitored by the IMF. 日本当局致力于实行灵活的汇率制度,并已同意在近期货币下跌的担忧下与美国和韩国就外汇市场进行密切磋商。 Japan's authorities are committed to a flexible exchange-rate regime and have agreed to closely consult with the U.S. and South Korea on foreign exchange markets amid concerns over recent currency declines.