日本公布创纪录的7 350亿美元预算, 在社会保障和债务成本不断攀升的同时削减债券发行。 Japan unveils a record $735 billion budget, cutting bond issuance amid rising social security and debt costs.
日本计划为2023年财政年度提供创纪录的7 350亿美元的预算,其驱动力是社会保障和偿债费用的上涨。 Japan plans a record $735 billion budget for the 2023 fiscal year, driven by rising social security and debt-servicing costs. 日本央行放弃刺激措施增加了压力,促使政府将新债券发行量削减至 28.6 万亿日元。 The Bank of Japan's shift away from stimulus adds pressure, prompting the government to cut new bond issuance to 28.6 trillion yen. 这是17年来第一次发行债券低于30万亿日元。 This will be the first time in 17 years that bond issuance falls below 30 trillion yen. 预算草案假定税收增加,但还本付息费用也增加,预期主要余额将略有赤字。 The budget draft assumes higher tax revenues but also rising debt-servicing costs, with the primary balance expected to be in a slight deficit. 计划将交由内阁批准,并很快提交议会。 The plan is set for cabinet approval and submission to parliament soon.