巴基斯坦信德省831人中有181人因与气候变化有关的蚊子传染的Chikungunya试验呈阳性,促使政府采取行动。 181 of 831 individuals in Sindh, Pakistan test positive for mosquito-borne chikungunya linked to climate change, prompting government action.
在巴基斯坦信德省,831人中有181人与气候变化相关联,对Chikungunya的检测呈阳性。 In Sindh, Pakistan, 181 out of 831 individuals tested positive for chikungunya, linked to climate change. 信德省议会正在处理疫情爆发问题,并责成电力公司对不出席委员会会议负责。 The Sindh Assembly is addressing the outbreak and holding power utilities accountable for non-attendance at committee meetings. 卫生官员强调,Chikungunya是蚊子传染的,不是传染性的,因此建议采取预防措施。 Health officials emphasize chikungunya is mosquito-borne, not contagious, and recommend preventive measures. 政府正在加强熏蒸和宣传活动,以应对近期降雨后病媒传播疾病的增加。 The government is increasing fumigation and awareness campaigns in response to rising vector-borne diseases following recent rainfall.