在卡拉奇报告的1 500+登革热病例中,卫生条件差,废物管理效率低下。 1,500+ dengue cases reported in Karachi amid poor sanitation and ineffective waste management.
巴基斯坦卡拉奇正努力应对病媒传染疾病的增加,包括9月份报告的1 500多例登革热病例。 Karachi, Pakistan, is grappling with a rise in vector-borne diseases, including over 1,500 dengue cases reported in September. 专家将激增归咎于卫生条件差和废物管理效率低下。 Experts blame the surge on poor sanitation and ineffective waste management. 尽管有70%的城市被熏蒸,但批评者认为这些努力是不够的。 Despite claims of covering 70% of the city with fumigation, critics argue these efforts are inadequate. 卫生专业人员强调,必须改善清洁性,制定适当的准则,以有效防治这些疾病爆发,防止情况恶化。 Health professionals stress the need for improved cleanliness and proper guidelines to effectively combat these outbreaks and prevent worsening conditions.