父子二人在德里因在嘈杂的摩托车停车后袭击警察而被捕,警察被送往医院。 Father-son duo arrested in Delhi for attacking police after noisy motorcycle stop, officers hospitalized.
在德里的 Jamia Nagar,一对父子 Riyazuddin 和 Asif 在袭击警察后被捕,这些警察因他们骑摩托车时安装了非法嘈杂的消音器而拦下了他们。 In Delhi's Jamia Nagar, a father-son duo, Riyazuddin and Asif, were arrested after attacking police officers who stopped them for riding a motorcycle with an illegal noisy silencer. 当Riyazuddin试图强行夺回摩托车时,局势升级。 The situation escalated when Riyazuddin attempted to retrieve the motorcycle forcefully. 两名军官受伤并住院,但情况稳定。 Both officers sustained injuries and were hospitalized but are in stable condition. 这对夫妇因妨碍警察执勤和殴打警察而面临指控。 The pair face charges for obstructing police duties and assaulting officers.