新西兰人哈米什·戴 (Hamish Day) 和奥斯卡·戴 (Oscar Day) 在泰国普吉岛因超速袭击交警并夺取枪支而被捕。 New Zealanders Hamish Day and Oscar Day arrested in Phuket, Thailand for assaulting traffic police officer, seizing his gun after speeding incident.
两名新西兰人哈米什·戴 (Hamish Day)(36 岁)和奥斯卡·戴 (Oscar Day)(38 岁)在泰国普吉岛袭击交通警察中尉 Somsak Noo-iad 并试图夺取他的枪后被捕。 Two New Zealanders, Hamish Day (36) and Oscar Day (38), were arrested in Phuket, Thailand, after assaulting a traffic police officer, Lieutenant Somsak Noo-iad, and attempting to seize his gun. 这起事件发生在两人因超速和不遵守道路规则而被拦下之后。 The incident occurred after the duo was pulled over for speeding and failing to adhere to road rules. 该警官最初试图拍摄两人的视频,结果引发了一场口角,期间新西兰人抢走了他的手机并袭击了他。 The officer initially tried to film the pair, which led to an altercation, during which the Kiwis grabbed his phone and assaulted him. 其中一人成功抢走了他的枪,导致枪走火。 One of them managed to take his gun, causing it to discharge. 嫌疑人被指控犯有多项罪行,包括抢劫、妨碍警察执行任务、袭击警察、无证驾驶和贿赂。 The suspects were charged with various offenses, including robbery, obstructing police duty, assaulting a police officer, driving without a license, and bribery.