3人死亡,桑坦德住宅楼发生爆炸,造成建筑物坍塌和火灾。 3 fatalities, explosion in Santander residential building caused structure collapse and fire.
西班牙桑坦德市一栋住宅楼发生爆炸, An explosion in a residential building in Santander, Spain, early Saturday morning led to the collapse of the structure and three fatalities. 事件发生在凌晨4点左右,也点燃了一场火灾,原因仍未确定。 The incident, which occurred around 4:00 AM, also ignited a fire, with the cause still undetermined. 据Gema Igual市长说,大约有20名居民住在该大楼内,作为一项安全措施,促使附近建筑物撤离。 Approximately 20 residents lived in the building, prompting the evacuation of nearby buildings as a safety measure, according to Mayor Gema Igual.