西班牙巴伦西亚两座高层建筑发生火灾,居民被困。 Fire traps residents in two high-rise buildings in Valencia, Spain.
2月22日,西班牙东部城市巴伦西亚发生火灾,两栋住宅楼被吞没,造成至少7人受伤。 A fire engulfed two residential buildings in the eastern Spanish city of Valencia on 22 February, injuring at least 7 people. 消防队员营救了被困在燃烧的 14 层高楼中的居民,西班牙军事应急部队的士兵也被部署协助扑灭大火。 Firefighters rescued residents trapped in the burning 14-storey high-rise, and soldiers from Spain's Military Emergency Unit were deployed to assist in combating the blaze. 起火原因仍不清楚。 The cause of the fire remains unknown.