67岁的残疾人在闯入格鲁吉亚期间遭到袭击,一名嫌疑人被捕。 67-year-old disabled man attacked during break-in in Georgia, one suspect arrested.
一名67岁的坐轮椅的男子在其位于佐治亚州的东点家中被闯入时遭到袭击。 A 67-year-old wheelchair-bound man was attacked during a break-in at his East Point, Georgia home. 两名嫌疑人强行进入,将他从轮椅上敲下来,用枪指着他,索要贵重物品。 Two suspects forcibly entered, knocked him from his wheelchair, pointed a gun at him, and demanded valuables. 受害者在被扔在地上之前遭到殴打。 The victim was assaulted before being left on the floor. 警方逮捕了一名嫌疑人特洛伊·冈萨雷斯,但第二名嫌疑人仍然在逃。 Police arrested one suspect, Troy Gonzales, but the second suspect remains at large. 地方当局正在调查这一事件。 The incident is under investigation by local authorities.